Paintings are a type of art that is representative of a country's culture and tradition. India has a vast array of traditional and folk-art forms that are recognized by their splendorous and brilliant colors. One of the oldest forms of painting originated in the Maharashtra region of Warli. If you want to learn more about such art or how you can create such ancient paintings you can always visit the Children’s art museum of India to share and understand more about it. You can submit your art online on our website!

About Warli Art
Warli is an ancient kind of Indian folk art that Warli paintings, which originated in a tribal area around 120 kilometers north of Mumbai, are principally noted for their rudimentary design and use of only two colors. Warli painting was once used to decorate walls for significant occasions. The painting would be done on a brown background consisting primarily of mud and cow poo cakes. A white pigment made from rice, water, and gum would be used to draw forms and figures.
A spiral chain of persons surrounding a center subject is one of the most popular Warli art themes. This is in keeping with their view that life is a never-ending journey with no beginning or conclusion.
What makes Warli Art unique?
Warli paintings are remarkable in that they are usually done in specific geometric shapes such as circles, triangles, and squares, each of which represents something different. The triangle, for example, represents mountains and trees. The circle represents the sun and moon, while the square denotes a holy sanctuary for the Mother Goddess. This type of tribal art mostly employs geometric shapes such as circles, triangles, and squares to create a variety of shapes that portray the Warli tribe's life and beliefs.
How to make warli art?
Today in an art museum-like, Children’s art museum of India helps online art submission and there you can learn more about the various form of art. Typically, this art form is painted over a brown background made up of mud and cow dung cakes. Shapes and figures are drawn with the white color. The white pigment was made from a mixture of rice and water, as well as gum, and chewed bamboo sticks were employed as a paintbrush at the end. A spiral chain of individuals surrounding a central theme is perhaps the most prevalent theme in Warli art.
Today, small works of art are created on cloth and paper, but they appear best on the walls or in the form of magnificent paintings that depict the Warlis' vast and mysterious realm. This traditional art, however, is no longer limited to painting on mud walls.
Warli Art Today
Despite the arrival of the modern period, as well as considerable industrialization and urbanization in the areas inhabited by the Warlis, the art form has survived, preserving the majority of its original and traditional traditions such as shapes and colors.
With the advent of contemporary technology, the art is receiving more attention and admiration, as various internet platforms that sell the art have developed, opening up new markets and raising awareness about this unique art. Bhoir claims to sell his paintings on Ayush Adivasi Yuva Shakti, an online site dedicated solely to the promotion of Warli art. Bhoir claims that using the platform, he and other artists have been able to find consumers for their work in India and beyond. Most foreign customers, he claims, prefer the classic type of art to any fusion or modern tinges.
It is now commonly found in home decor themes, and it appears to be growing in popularity. They are becoming increasingly popular and well-liked by the general people, from pots and jars to bed linens and blind prints. This Indian traditional art is popular not just in home decor, but also in the textile and fashion industries. These days, witnessing a gorgeous Warli painting printed saree worn by women in the city or on the runway at a fashion show is a common sight that everyone enjoys!
Final Thoughts
Today, it's difficult to think about Kalamkari's rich history without thinking about its future. Warli art, like many other forms of traditional Indian art. Children’s art museum of India makes sure you can learn the art of expression through the Warli art. If you are a parent or a child who wants to learn about this, Online art exhibits give you a chance to learn and showcase your talent with Children’s art museum of India you can always learn the new art technique and fell in love with our culture all over again with art.